Dear Town of Preston Residents,
My name is Zachary Meseck and I’m serving as your Town Supervisor. I write to you on behalf of our board with the hope that this will give you some insight into what your town has been working on throughout this year, along with some of the challenges we will face in 2023.
Our Work So Far:
As a general summary, we have stayed within the tax cap, made important infrastructural investments including a paved road on Preston Center Road, a new roof for the town highway building, and energy efficient lighting for that building as well. We pushed for more services for our residents at the Preston Manor which were approved without additional cost to our taxpayers. We also developed a facebook page and website, (, to help keep you informed.
Additionally, we held an Easter Egg Hunt in partnership with the Preston Fire Department, we’ve worked with the Chenango County Youth Bureau to allow families from our town to continue to take part in their programs, we held our first Community Picnic since the start of the pandemic, and we held a Halloween event with the use of our fire department’s facilities.
Next year we hope to do even more to bring our families back together, and show our appreciation for the Preston community.
What We’ve Been Battling:
Earlier this year we lost a hardworking and well-respected member of our team, Former Deputy Highway Superintendent Rob Blake. That mixed with power outages in early 2022, increased gas and electricity prices, and a mandated increase in our town’s county and state tax share have been and will be some of our biggest battles moving into 2023.
According to county treasurer’s office representatives, we have been mandated to pay a larger share of county and state taxes based on increased property values and other determinations made by the state. This will result in a noticeable increase in all of our taxes, and allegedly an increase in the overall percentage of sales tax the town gets in the future years. Those representatives said our share should decrease in the next couple years, but this will be something we will all face next year. More information on the change can be found on our website under Community News.
Thanks to the many fiscally responsible choices made by this board and my predecessor Former Town Supervisor Peter Flanagan - Preston has savings and budgeted wiggle-room to overcome any anticipated challenge that 2023 may bring.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you have any questions or wish to talk to me for any reason - feel free to reach out to me directly at (607) 201-4527 or email me at for additional information.